Dice Control Throw

Be A Ninja At The Table With The Evolution Throw
All Dice Control Throws Game
This page is the second part of the dice control guide.Once you have the basics down, such as throwing the dice level and parallel to the surface of the craps table, then the next step is to choose a good dice set and really start to apply your newly taught skills. Efficacy of Dice Control “Dice control” is a bit of a misnomer, because even the most dedicated proponent of the technique will say that reliably rolling a particular number or numbers is next to impossible; the preferred term is dice setting, as the goal is to set the dice in a particular way before and during the throw so they land in a way to minimize 7s. This is a Bachmann HO Scale New York Central #9 72' Heavyweight Observation Car, a detailed model of the real train car. Features: Prototype specific details.
Setting Dice For A 5 And 9
The Evolution Off-Axis Throw
'A Complete Mastery Course In Off-Axis Dice Control Throwing'
EVOLUTION THROW™ Introduction:
What you are about to learn in this course is the most Advanced Level Methods on the Art of Off-Axis Dice Throwing, The EVOLUTION THROW™! The procedures contained both in the manual and videos is the accumulation of approximately 20 years of Off-Axis Dice Control Throwing techniques!
Over the years 'off-axis style throwing' has gone through many evolutionary steps both good and bad, some so bad it has led to a road of total destruction.
It is only now that is has reached its highest and fullest potential because of me, Koganinja!
Over the years I have taken all of the exciting techniques and have reversed engineered, modified, created and simplified the methods of Off-Axis throwing. It is now at the point where it is now a completely workable, efficient, effective, successful and effortless to execute Methodology. The EVOLUTION THROW™ is now a Complete Winning Solution to winning on the craps tables! There is no other course or resource on the internet or in public which contains this information. NOW for the 1st time ever me, Koganinja will be revealing these methods for you in this complete mastery course!!!
You are about to learn ALL the techniques to execute a TRUE Off-Axis Throw! In this course, I will be covering 19 grips and 20 throws many of which have been created by yours truly and HAVE NEVER BEEN SEEN by the casinos AS controlled throws. THE EVOLUTION THROW™ IS THE CLOSEST THING TO BE IN 'NINJA STEALTH MODE' YOU WILL FIND ANYWHERE!!!
In this Mastery course you will learn EVERY METHOD there is to effectively throw Off-Axis so you can win in the casinos on a consistent basis! Once you have completed this course and have practiced the techniques contained herein you will NEVER have to attend a live-in person 2 or 3-day course on Off-Axis throwing! Let me say this again, all the methods are Here in this Complete Mastery Course!!!
What Is An Off-Axis Throw You May Be Asking?
An Off-Axis Throw is a very specific and unique type of dice throw where the dice thrower sets his dice to an 'All-Seven Set'. Then by using a very specific grip, throw and release the dice thrower attempts to 'Break Up', randomize, and create chaos with the 'All-Seven Set' so the outcome will be any number except a 7. However, what most people do not know is an off-axis throw can also be used to achieve specific outcomes, it can be used to 'snipe' specific numbers. To the naked eye, the dice throw looks like a random throw, however it is not, it is a very controlled and calculated toss.
The EVOLUTION THROW™ is a Complete Methodology for throwing Off-Axis dice controlled throwing.
It is a Fully Researched and Fully Field Tested Dice Control Methodology. You can use the EVOLUTION THROW™ to break up the seven or throw to achieve certain numbers!!!
What Are The Benefits Of Learning The Evolution Throw?
1) Total stealth (Ninja Stealth Mode) in the casino you are completely under the radar and the casino staff will have NO idea what you are doing! No more 'You can't throw like that anymore'! When you throw EVO it will look like you are just chucking the dice like any random roller, but you are not!
2) It's very easy to learn these methods and you will not need to practice for months to master EVO. Learning curves are days to a few weeks vs. 9 to 12 months of practice.
3) You can throw with both hands effectively! So if you're throwing arm is injured just throw with the other hand!
4) You can use EVO on all tables, both bouncy and hard, no problem! Crazy I know but it's true.
The biggest complaint I hear when it comes to dice control is “My casino has very bouncy tables and my dice go everywhere!' So for you guys who don't have access to medium to hard tables you will be able to throw on any table surface with ease and win!!!
5) You will be sniping numbers with ease! I know it sounds impossible but it is TRUE!
6) No more getting tired at the table. You will be at total ease at the table and you will be expending very little energy!
7) EVO is VERY forgiving! There is a lot of latitude to make mistakes, you will see!
In the EVOLUTION THROW™ Course You Will Be Getting:
1 Manual (over 60 pages)
5 Videos
19 Dice Grips
20 Off-Axis Architectural Throws
Over 344 EVOLUTION Off-Axis Throws available
The Theory of Off-Axis
Dice Travel Concepts of Off-Axis
The Techniques of Off-Axis
The EVOLUTION THROW™ Betting Strategy
Slow Motion Video of Off-Axis Throws
That's 5 Hours and 39 Minutes of Detailed Instruction All shot in High-Diff Resolution
I give you all of the INNER CIRCLE SECRETS I hold nothing back!!!
All downloadable and ready to be viewed and read!!!
Total Cost: $475.00
Please Note:
You will need a computer or high end tablet to download this course, you can not do it on a phone so don't even try!!!!!
Due to the sensitive and proprietary nature of the course materials, purchaser hereby agrees that ALL SALES ARE FINAL and there are NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES.
Due to my dumdass gateway I'm now only selling my course through snail mail only!!!! Sorry for the inconvience!!!
To purchase course reach out to me at koganinja777@yahoo.com
And I will give you all the information to make purchase!