Lucky Ladies Blackjack Odds
House Rules
- First two cards: Queen of Hearts Pair with Dealer Blackjack pays 1000 to 1
- Queen of Hearts Pair 125 to 1
- Matched 20 19 to 1
- Suited 20 9 to 1
- Any 20 4 to 1
Lucky Ladies Blackjack is one of the most well-known Side Bet games in North America and is now for the first time being introduced to the world, both online and on tables. The game is played as a classic Blackjack game, with a twist of a Lucky Ladies Side Bet to it.
- Lucky Ladies 4x9.indd 1 11/11/13 4:36 PM Lucky Ladies™ is an optional proposition bet used in the game of Blackjack. The proposition is whether or not the player’s first two cards equal a total of twenty. Additional bonuses are paid if the player’s first two cards equaling twenty are suited.
- Maximum payout is 1,000-to-1 for player holding two Queens of Hearts (Lucky Ladies) or two Kings of Spades (King's Bounty) when the dealer has a blackjack. House edge: about 17 percent for either.
Lucky Ladies is an optional proposition bet used in the game of Blackjack. Lucky Ladies may be played on 2 to 8 deck games only.
The proposition is whether or not the player’s first two cards equal a total of twenty. Additional bonuses are paid if the player’s two cards equaling twenty are suited (e.g. Ace of Clubs and Nine of Clubs) or matched (e.g. two identical cards such as two King of Diamonds). Special bonuses are awarded if the player’s first two cards are each a Queen of Hearts (the Lucky Ladies), and the top prize is awarded if the player’s Queen of Hearts pair occurs at the same time the dealer has a blackjack.
The outcome of the primary blackjack bet has no bearing on the Lucky Ladies bet and vice versa. A player can win on one and lose on the other.
Prior to the start of each round of blackjack play, players are afforded the opportunity to place a voluntary Lucky Ladies bet on the designated spot on the table layout at the same time their primary bet is made and before any cards are dealt.
The minimum and maximum wagering limits of the Lucky Ladies wager are determined by the house and/or in accordance with their limits established by the gaming regulatory body. The wagering limits and any aggregate pay out limitations are to be posted on the table, in plain view of the players in accordance with the internal controls and gaming regulations.
After all wagers have been placed, the dealer deals the first two cards to each player and to themselves in the same manner as regular blackjack dealing procedures.

Once the dealer has dealt the first two cards to each player, the dealer must determine if any of the players that bet the Lucky Ladies wager have a hand whose first two cards total 20.
Beginning from the dealer’s right to left, in a counter clock-wise rotation, the dealer takes all losing Lucky Ladies wagers and pays all winning Lucky Ladies wagers.
Best Las Vegas Blackjack Odds
There is one exception to the take or pay procedure described above. If any player with a Lucky ladies wager is dealt a pair of Queen of Hearts and the dealer has either an Ace, King, Queen, Jack or Ten card showing the Floor Supervisor will:
Free Lucky Lady's Blackjack
a. Remove any losing Lucky Ladies wagers and pay any winning wagers, except for the player with the Queen of Hearts pair.
b. If the dealer’s face up card has a value of Ten:
(i) The floor person instructs the dealer to peak at their hole card.
(ii) If the dealer does not have a blackjack, the dealer pays the player with the Queen of Hearts pair. The round then plays as normal.
(iii) If the dealer does have a blackjack, they turn over their cards and collect all losing primary wagers from all players, including the player with the Queen of hearts pair. The dealer then removes all of the player’s cards on the table except for the player with the Queen of hearts pair. At this time, here should only be the following showing on the table: The remaining player’s first two cards (Queen of Hearts pair); their Lucky Ladies wager and the dealer’s first two cards (a blackjack). The dealer then pays the Lucky ladies wager to the player with the winning Queen of Hearts pair and removes all cards.
c. If the dealer’s face up card is an Ace:
(i) The dealer offers insurance to all players.
(ii) If the dealer does not have a blackjack, the dealer removes all losing insurance wagers as normal, including the player with the Queen of Hearts pair. The dealer then pays the Lucky Ladies wager to the player with the Queen of Hearts pair. The round then plays as normal.
(iii) If the dealer does have a blackjack, they turn over their cards and collect all losing primary wagers and pay all winning insurance wagers from all players, including the player with the Queen of Hearts pair. The dealer then removes all of the player’s cards on the table except for the player with the Queen of Hearts pair. At this time there should only be the following showing on the table: The remaining player’s first two cards (Queens of Hearts pair); their Lucky Ladies wager; and the dealer’s first two cards (a blackjack). The dealer then pays the Lucky ladies wager to the player with the winning Queen of Hearts pair and removes all cards.
Bust Bonus
The player wins their Bust Bonus wager if the dealer’s hand results in a “bust” and the player’s hand does not result in a bust with a point total of 30. This wager is placed after the initial round of cards have been dealt but prior to the dealer revealing their face-down or “hole” card. The player wins this bonus wager if the total of the dealer’s hand results in a point total exceeding 21 and if the player’s hand does not result in a bust with a point total of 30. Winning players are paid according to the dealer’s initial face up card when matched to the corresponding paytable.